Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Death of photography

The topic is abou the death of the phoptgraphy, that means when people see something, they just use their phones to take a photo then forget it. Nowadays, people photographes everywhere, even when they have meals, they might take out their phones and get some photoes.
The person who invented the camara just wanted people to keep their precious moments, but now, people go traveling or see some beautiful landscapes, they will take out their phones, but not just enjoy the beautiful views by their eyes.
But in another hand, the meaning doesn't mean people have to enjoy the views by their eyes but not taking any pictures. Just hope people can decrease the number of using the photo, because photo is dying and the memory is real.
In conclusion, the more we may focus on is the real thing, even it's just a painting, use eyes to appriciate it is much better than just using the phones to take picture and watch it inside the phones.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Thought of the vedio.

The video told us about the using of the media everyday, the woman said people focus too much on their facebook, ins or other chatting softwares.
I'm agree with her statement, but just one thing is that, maybe many people can't stand other takes away their cell phone or other chatting softwares. For my own opinion is that, students now is between 16 or much older, so most of them can contral themselves not to focus on their cell phones the whole time, just some of the students are addicted to chat with others using cell phones.
The diadvantage for teachers to take away student's cell phones is that if there is emergency, student's parents can't find their children or someone can't send one message at that time, so that make some problem.
But another thing is, if teacher takes away studenr's chatting stuff, maybe students will pay more attention to the classes, and do their assignments correctly.
So in conclusion, there are both good thing or bad thing for students to keep their media softwares with them, the importence is that students how to use them.

Monday, September 19, 2016


Media is that the thing people use to send a message for others to see it. Like television, cell phone and radio. These things can spread out the messages. And also, we can get the messages in a fast way. For example, many people have facebook, twitter or ins, those applications can show people who post something in what time, they can pay a close attention to their famous stars or a favourite band. Media send these messages in a fast and convenient way.

So in conclusion, media can pass on messages, can peovide entertainment, and inherit culture.