Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Art Portfolio6

Art Portfolio:
About the artist called Peter Marino. Peter Marino is the famous interior designer, he also did the architecture. His work includes award-winning residential, retail, cultural, and hospitality projects worldwide. His work gives people a visual conflicts, which using the bright colors, such as white and gold. Also, his style makes people feeling luxury when they watching his work. Gold color means rich and honor. White means clean and simple. Contain these two colors together, makes his art work feels simplify but comfortable to see.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Fine Art6

About Laocoan.

The meaning of Laocoan also means "Laocoon", which is a person's name. He was the son of Acoetes. The information shows that he died because he got married to a woman, or he had a sex with his wife inside the temple. The epic showed that he warned the Troy not to get the wooden horse outside the wall from the Greeks. However, he and his son died, so that the Greeks' plan still kept going.
There is the sculpture shows that he and his son died. This also shows that his death become the sign of the whole country. He died because he was being rude to the gold.


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Art portfolio5

Monet is the artist from France. The above of the picture is his famous work, he likes create the shadow which makes his work slur. He creates a new kind of way to draw the shadow and the figure outline.

Manet is the artist which likes to create realistic portraits. Such as the work above, he likes to compare two things together, and try to make the visual impact.

Renoir likes to paint women, most of his works are women painting. He has a strong creative on human faces and hands. People can feels warm and happy atmosphere in his painting works.

Degas’s work likes to show people classical, realistic and romantic style. He likes to draw belly and girls, sometimes horsing. He shows that the detail of his works.

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About the Theatre of Ancient Greece. The Greeks design the orchestra which had an average diameter of 78 feet. It was situated on a flattened terrace at the foot of a hill, the slope of which produced a natural theatre, and it is literally the place to see the play. After few years later, theatre came to be applied to the whole area of theatre and orchestra. Why the Greeks design the theatre like this? Because in 465 BCE, the playwrights began using a backdrop or scenic wall, which hung or stood behind the orchestra, and also served as an area where actors could change their costumes.The theatre of Greece started from the city-state of Athens, which became a significant cultural, political, and military power during this period. This period is the flourish time during Greece.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Art Portfolio4

About the trompe I'oeil.

The trompe I'oeil which is a kind of painting method by using the visual effect. When people see this kind of painting, they will feel this painting like realistic stuff. Using the realistic imagery to create the optional illusion.
The meaning of the"trompe I'oeil" is "deceive of eyes", this word is from French,
The famous artist of this kind of art is called Andrea Mantegna, who was using trompe I'oeil to paint the human portraits, he was born in Italy, at that time he experimented with perspective.

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