Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Fine art 2.1

About Ara Pacis.

The Ara Pacis was built for the goddess called Pax, she is the goddess of the peace. Also this monument was built for the man who is called Augustus, the monument was to honor he returned to Rome. This monument has a alter, inside the monument were surrounding by the walls. This was a kind of Rome alter, but the sculptures on the walls around the alter had the style of ancient Greeks sculpture style. This alter had up and down part. The up side showed that the celebration of the alter or something significant. Down side were about the decoration of some sculptures, which means peace and flourish.

“ARA PACIS”的图片搜索结果
“ARA PACIS”的图片搜索结果

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Art portfolio7

About the trip to the Art museum.

I took this picture in room of no name. I didn't find the name, but this sculpture really catches my eyes. This is a man who was bending his knees, and pray for something. The background of this sculpture was the window of the church. I really like this sculpture because it gives me a feeling which is sacred. I know pray in church is a serious thing, but also create a sacred and respectful atmosphere. And I really enjoy this atmosphere. This sculpture looks beautiful with this background window.

Fine art7

About the trip to the art museum.

The most interesting piece of art I saw was one of the canvas painting.

Which is about Moses stretched forward his rod toward heaven, and the Lord sent thunder and hail, and fire rained down onto the earth.
First of all, I really like the mystery of Bible, the characteristic of every person inside this book. Also, this picture shows a big visual conflict, which is the light and the other part of the picture. This makes people first sight is that light. And that light was drawing as the figure of God. It's a beautiful painting.