Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Art Porfolio3.5

Free Blog about Ronit Baranga.

Ronit Baranga was the artist who lived in Israel. She created figurative art on the border between living and still life. She features previously as part of out anatomical sculpture list. She also creating uncanny body- part hybrids out of clay and porcelain. The feelings they elicit are intentionally visceral. She also said that :"Viewers of my work almost instantly react: they are either enthusiastic or appalled, but never indifferent. "

Ronit Baranga - Embraced

Ronit Baranga - Embraced 2

Ronit Baranga - Grave Watchers

Ronit Baranga - Hollowed Ladies Squeezing Kettles

Ronit Baranga - My Artemis

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