Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Facebook And Mental Health: Is Social Media Hurting Or Helping?

The article is about how the modern media affect us in our daily lives. Nowadays, we can't live without the modern technologies, we depend on them for work, online games or chatting. Some famous applications such as Facebook, twitter,they give us a lot of fun chatting with our friends or someone we don't know before. But are those things really good for us?

Anything has it's advantages and disadvantages, just like the modern media, they can bring us fun, but they can catch our eyes and make us focus on them, so that we are addicted to our phones or computers. Espacially students, students using their space time surfing the internet except doing exercise or studing.

Another bad thing for the modern media is, young children communicating with someone don't meet before is a dangerous thing. If young children say something about their family or some importent thing remissly, the stranger might know or come and find the young children. Parents also need to take care of this.

In conclusion, we having fun using our phones or computers communicating with others, we also need to know we have to do this timely, but not be addicted to the modern stuffs.

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