Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Art Portfolio 2.5

About Joan Miro.
He was a painter, sculptor and ceramicist who was born in Spain, 1893.
His early works were showing the influence od Cezanne, and fill the canvas with a colorful surface and a more painterly treatment than the hard-edge style of most od his later works. His soon developed his work style. Organic forms and flattened picture planes drawn with a sharp line.
Most of his later works make me feel clean when I see the whole page of the art works. Not like the colorful painting, but simple and nice. And the works are abstract but good to see.
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“JOAN MIRO”的图片搜索结果
“JOAN MIRO”的图片搜索结果
“JOAN MIRO”的图片搜索结果
“JOAN MIRO”的图片搜索结果
About Biomorphism shapes.
Biomorphism is a kind of art that using the design which based on nature shapes or living organisms. This kind of art first coined by the British writer Geoffrey Grigson, then used by Alfred H. Barr in the 1936 exhibition Cubism and Abstract Art. The art focus on the power of natural life and uses organic shapes.


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